Lisp tutorial for COMP 348

Table of Contents


Lisp at a high level

Lisp is a high-level, dynamically typed functional programming language. Lisp first came out in 1959, around the same time as FORTRAN. Back then it was LISP, which stood for LISt Processing. As the name indicates, Lisp is good at processing linked lists, and was created to perform tasks in symbolic computation and artificial intelligence. Today, there are a lot of modern derivatives to LISP, such as Common Lisp, Scheme, Racket and Clojure. In this course, we focus on Common Lisp, which first appeared in the last 1980s as a standardization by ANSI converging features from several prominent dialects at the time.

Lisp Syntax

Lisp syntax is simple. Unlike most programming languages that are filled with different syntaxes, keywords and operators, Lisp’s syntax is uniform and concise. Everything that you write in Lisp will take the form (function-name arg-1 arg-2 ...). That’s the whole syntax for the language. For example, to define a linked list, we use the list function, like so:

(list 1 2 3 4 5)

Core functions

Would as you could guess, create a list with 5 elements. Now, as mentioned, Lisp is very good at processing linked lists, which includes extracting data from the lists, transforming them, etc. Two of the most important functions for this are car and cdr. The first one, car will return the first element of a list, and cdr will return a list containing everything except the first element - the tail of the list.

(defvar my-list (list 1 2 3 4 5))

(car my-list) ; 1
(cdr my-list) ; '(2 3 4 5)

So in this snippet we simply define a variable called my-list and then get the head and the tail of that list. The 3 important function that we need to use when dealing with lists is called cons, and it allows us to cons-truct new lists. The arguments to cons are going to be the first element of the new list, and the tail of the new list. For example,

(cons 1 (list 2 3 4 5)) ; '(1 2 3 4 5)

Destructing and rebuilding lists

We can use these 3 functions, car, cdr and cons to take apart lists and put them back together easily. Consider the following function:

(defun list-identity (list)
  (if (null list)
      (cons (car list) (list-identity (cdr list)))))

This is an identity function for a list, meaning it outputs whatever was input to it. It takes a single parameter, list. It first checks if the list is empty using (null list) - in Lisp, an empty list is considered null. If it is empty, then we return an empty list. If it is not, then we reconstruct a new list from the components: the head of the list, and a recursive call to the identity function with the tail of the list. This is all just an overly complicated way of showing that we can use these 3 functions to take apart a list and rebuild it again recursively, and this is a pattern that we see a lot of in Lisp. For example, let’s say we wanted to add a constant number to every value in that list:

(defun list-add-constant (list constant)
  (if (null list)
      (cons (+ (car list) constant) 
            (list-add-constant (cdr list) constant))))

Here we have almost the same function as before: we check if the list is empty, if it is, we return an empty list, otherwise, we construct a new list and return that. The only difference here is that we add the constant to our number, and then pass the constant as the second argument to our recursive call.

Like I said, this is a really common pattern in Lisp and in functional programming languages in general, and this general pattern is going to be helpful in your assignments.


One of the things we do a lot of in this class is talk about binary trees. Building binary trees, searching binary trees, balancing binary trees, etc. Here’s how we tend to represent binary trees in this course:

(7 (1 nil 
      (2 nil nil)) 
   (8 nil 
      (9 nil nil)))

Here, we have a single tree who’s root node is 7. It has a left sub-tree and a right sub-tree, both of which have 2 nodes in their sub-trees. If we were to visualize this as a normal tree, it would look like this:

  /   \
 1     8
/ \   / \
   2     9
  / \   / \

Now, since creating binary trees and balancing them is sometimes on assignments, I can’t provide those as examples, but I can do binary-search and tree traversals.

Binary Search:

A Binary search is a divide-and-conquer algorithm, so by nature it’s going to be recursive. The algorithm for binary search is simple:

  1. if the element we’re searching for is equal to the head, return true.
  2. if the element we’re searching for is less than the head, binary search the left sub-tree
  3. if the element we’re searching for is greater than the head, binary search the right sub-tree
  4. If the sub-tree is empty, return false.

Here’s how we’ll implement that in Common Lisp:

(defun binary-search (list element)
    ; If the subtree is empty, return false
    ((null list) nil)
    ; If the head is equal to what we're search for, return true
    ((equal (car list) element) t)
    ; If the head is greater than the element, binary search the left subtree
    ((> (car list) element)
     (binary-search (second list) element))
    ; If the head is less than the element, binary search the right subtree
    ((< (car list) element)
     (binary-search (third list) element))))

As you can see this is basically just a direct transcription of the algorithm for a binary search. We use cond as our control flow here, which acts as a sequence of if/else if expressions and just return from whichever condition is true.

Tree Traversals

Another common thing we want to do with trees is traverse them in various ways. With a binary-tree, we often want to do an in-order traversal because it will visit each element in a sorted order. The algorithm for an in-order traversal is pretty simple:

  1. If the sub-tree is null, stop
  2. Otherwise:
    1. perform in-order-traversal on the left sub-tree
    2. Visit the root node
    3. Perform in-order-traversal on the right sub-tree
(defun in-order-traversal (tree)
    ((null tree) nil)
    (t (in-order-traversal (second tree))
       (print (first tree))
       (in-order-traversal (third tree)))))

So if we run this with the same tree as above, it’ll print 1, 2, 7, 8, 9.

Now, from here there’s a lot of basic changes that we could make to make this function do some other stuff, like instead of just printing every node, we could pass a lambda function that we call instead of print. Or we could append the 3 things together to build a sorted list, or all sorts of other things.

Author: Philip Dumaresq


Created: 2021-03-13 Sat 19:09