Memory allocation and structs with hashmaps

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The first thing we need do is decide how we’re going to model the data for our map. This isn’t going to be a true hashmap because we’re not going to actually hash the keys at all. We’re just going to use a struct called Pair that contains the key/value pairs, like so:

struct Pair {
  char *key;
  int value;

We’re just going to store integers as our values, although we could store anything here. Our map itself is just going to be an array of Pair structs.


Now that we’ve determined how we’re going to store our data, your exercise is to implement 2 functions. The first one is going to be called getHash. It will take 3 arguments, the first one will be our array that the map is stored in, and the second will be it’s size. The final argument is the key you’re searching for.

The function can be used as below:

int main() {
  int len = 2;
  struct Pair hashmap = malloc(sizeof(struct Pair) * len);
  hashmap[0].key = "Key 1";
  hashmap[0].value = 1;
  hashmap[1].key = "Key 2";
  hashmap[1].value = 2;

  printf("%d", getHash(hashmap, len, "Key 1")); // 1

  return 0;
int getHash(struct Pair *map, int size, char *key) {
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    if (strcmp(map[i].key, key) == 0) {
      return map[i].value;

  return 0;


The second function to write is going to be called setHash. It will take 4 arguments:

  • The first argument is the array of the Pair structs.
  • The second argument will be a reference to the size of the map.
  • The third and fourth arguments are the string and integer for the key and value.

The function should add the Pair at the last available slot in the array, and if the array is full, then it should dynamically reallocate the size of the array to allow more elements to be added to it.

int main() {
  int len = 2;
  struct Pair hashmap = malloc(sizeof(struct Pair) * len);
  setHash(hashmap, &len, "Key 1", 1);
  setHash(hashmap, &len, "Key 2", 2);
  setHash(hashmap, &len, "Key 3", 3);
  setHash(hashmap, &len, "Key 4", 4);

  printf("%d", getHash(hashmap, len, "Key 3")); // 3

  return 0;
void setHash(struct Pair *map, int *size, char *key, int value) {
  int full = true;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < *size; i++) {
    if (map[i].key == NULL) {
      full = false;

  if (full) {
    printf("Doubling the size of the hash (%d -> %d)\n", i, i * 2);
    *size = i * 2;
    map = realloc(map, sizeof(struct Pair) * *size);

  map[i].key = key;
  map[i].value = value;

Author: Philip Dumaresq


Created: 2021-03-13 Sat 19:09